Introduction - Tufting

Introduction to Tufting

Tufting is a textile technique where yarn is inserted into a base fabric to create a raised, textured surface. This is often done using a tufting gun, which shoots loops of yarn through a backing material, but it can also be done by hand with hooks.

What You Can Create with Tufting: Rugs and Carpets, Wall Hangings, Cushions and Pillows, Fashion Items (some designers use tufting to create unique clothing items and accessories) and Home Decor.

It’s a versatile craft that allows for a lot of creativity and personalization. On this workshop, Dave will introduce you to the basics of Tufting. You will be taught how to use a Tufting gun and how to create your own projects later on.

Hvor foregår arrangementet? Fablab Nordvest
Ringertoften 2, 2400 København NV

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Introduction Tufting- Member

5 pt. tilgængelig


Introduction Tufting- Not a member of FabLab

5 pt. tilgængelig

50,00 kr.